Just a quick note to say gentoo-sources-2.6.29-r1 was just put in the portage tree. This release includes the patch which has a fix for forcedeth issues. Also included are the ext4 filesystem patches. This is definitely a must upgrade for ext4 users.
I’m on ext4, but the damn AMD Catalyst driver won’t let me; doesn’t support 2.6.29 kernels 😛
Could you please explain the stabilization process in the kernel team? As i see, the patches from the vanilla kernel are collected to genpatches and the new versions are placed to the tree, but they are stays unstabled for a long time after it. I mean that the vanilla kernel releases often contains security fixes, but they are marked unstable for a long time. For example current stable gentoo-sources 2.6.27-r8 is based on the, but the latest upmerged for 2.6.27 is based on
Who and when deside to move to the next kernel release? Is there any document which describe the process?
Nice work, looking forward to upgrading after the previously mentioned issue has been resolved =)
I am currently documenting the stabilization process and will link to it here when it’s complete and approved.
I upgraded kernel to gentoo-sources-2.6.29-r1.
The ext4 filesystem patches works, except for amule: after a crash this program lost its settings. I don’t know how amule manage its settings files… any ideas?
Not sure why you lost data, but there is one more ext4 patch that will be in gentoo-sources-2.6.29-r2. No eta right now.
and since 04/29 the .29-r2 is out, many, many thanks!